Civil Service Forum Local 300 Service Employees International Union (SEIU) was first organized in September 1914 by the Joint Council D.S.C. in New York City. Fifty years later, on September 30, 1964, the Union affiliated with the Building Service Employees International Union (BSEU), AFL-CIO, and was “known and designated as Civil Service Forum Local Union No. 300 of the Building Service Employees International Union”. BSEU was the predecessor to SEIU, founded on April 23, 1921, in Chicago to represent janitors, elevator operators, and window washers. It was in 1968 that BSEU officially became SEIU in order to reflect an increasingly diversified membership. Local 300, which started with only a handful of members, now has more than 1,200 active members, 500 retirees, and is the forerunner of all public employee organizations. It is the certified union representative for numerous City occupational groups, pursuing an active course of action with betterment for civil servants always the goal.
Civil Service Forum Local 300 Service Employees International Union is the certified bargaining unit for more than 1,200 active members with 14 different titles working in all City agencies, Health+Hospitals Corporation (H+H), NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA), and the City University of New York (CUNY).
We represent the following titles:
· Administrative Procurement Analyst
· Procurement Analyst
· Administrative Quality Assurance Specialist
· Associate Quality Assurance Specialist
· Quality Assurance Specialist
· Associate Finger Print Technician Levels 1-4
· Bookbinder
· Forensic Mortuary Technician
· Laboratory Helper · Senior Mortuary Technician
· Principal Technician
· Associate Purchasing Agent (CUNY)
· Purchasing Agent (CUNY)
· Elevator Starter
· Highway Repairer
Joseph Vacirca
Wayne Ramjohn
To meet or speak with your Shop Steward, please call Local 300 at 718.383.8945 to schedule an appointment.
LaToya Taylor, Office Manager
La Verne Samuel Antoine, Clerical Associate